Why Fat Adam’s

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”

It’s just NOT true, is it? Look, this was a nursery rhyme from the early 1800’s, when keeping a stiff upper lip was the order of the day.

Name calling is a form of bullying.

We are associate members of The Anti-Bullying Alliance and stand with them in their fight against bullies.

I recorded a short video today to share why we’re called fat Adam’s.

Over the coming weeks I hope to share more about this and more flavours as we create them.

Watch out for some pretty good news coming later this week.

Pretty, pretty, pretty good news, one might say!

For me, enjoying ice cream, especially, gelato has been a life long passion.

Now I am finally making my own and I should have done this YEARS AGO!


Ice-cream at exhibitions


More than just ice cream