Adam Caplan Adam Caplan

Ice-cream at exhibitions

Fat Adam’s make an excellent addition to your stand at Exhibitions

Fat Adam’s at Exhibitions

How using Fat Adam’s at an exhibition will drive visitors to your stand.

 Ice cream delights all at exhibitions all year round.

Having an ice cream cart at your exhibition stand is a great idea to attract visitors and create a memorable experience, with co-branding the Fat Adam’s cart, adding a branded wafer and with our mission to raise awareness and support for The Anti-Bullying Alliance, a great social message is shared as well. The cart drives visitors, keeps them there and delivers a very positive message to attendees.

My co-branded apron, promoting your business.

 Visitors to exhibitions LOVE ice cream.. who would have thought it?

I recently attended the Recruitment Agency Exhibition at The NEC in early October for our client Mployee, and wanted to share how it went.

Mployee hired us to create a welcoming atmosphere, offer a delightful treat and make the booth stand out.

I have attended many exhibitions both as a delegate, speaker, and exhibitor. I have never seen any feature at an exhibition have such a profound effect.

To give you some background, Mployee are a Dutch CRM business offering an enterprise level solution used by companies like Randstad amongst others. It’s a crowded market and Mployee were using the exhibition to engage with the industry. If you are interested in them, please visit

Without sharing specifics, the exhibition was a success. The approach taken by the team was to ask passing attendees if they’d like an ice cream or a conversation about their CRM.

The response was very good, to say the least. People stopped, I served them some delicious gelato, the team spoke to the visitor and the conversation continued whilst they ate their ice cream, and this led to positive conversations.

Excellent promotion at the Recruitment Agency Exhibition at the NEC

 At more than one point there was a queue to speak to the team, we used a token system, so, to qualify for a gelato, the visitor needed to have a conversation with the exhibition team, get the token and they would continue to discuss the CRM whilst I prepared the cone and whilst the visitor enjoyed it.  

Another positive side to the using Fat Adam’s brand at your exhibition is our unwavering support to raise awareness for The Anti-Bullying Alliance and sharing my story of childhood bullying and being called Fat Adam. This message was positively received, and many visitors commented to the exhibition team how positively they appreciated Mployee promoting an anti-bullying message.  

It made me realise that having Fat Adam’s support companies at exhibitions was a side to the business I had never considered, and we’ll actively be promoting it.

If you’d like to discuss this with us, please get in touch.

Creating a great atmosphere on the Mployee stand at The Recruitment Agency Exhibition


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Adam Caplan Adam Caplan

More than just ice cream

More than ice cream

My name is Adam Caplan, founder of Fat Adam’s Ice Cream.

The Gelato News section will be where we’ll share updates with you, including my thoughts and comments about ice cream and why we partnered with The Anti-Bullying Alliance as an associate member.

There’s been a few influences on the way and over the coming week’s I’d like to share some of these, if you’ll pardon my introspective view.

Ultimately, the business came about through a really quite crazy number of weeks of ups and downs and as a direct result of being the brunt of comments and attitudes towards me as a child as a result of being overweight.

It’s also interesting to see how adults react overweight people and how, despite the apparent ‘caring’ society we live in, fat people are ‘fair game’.

Bullying is still bullying. Ignorance is still ignorance and nay behaviour is still nasty behaviour.

I stand against all forms of discrimination and negative attitudes towards people of all race, religion, creed and body size.

When I was younger, ice cream was my go to ‘happy place’ when I was bullied.

Now, I want to share my ‘happy place’ with you all.

I named Fat Adam’s because I was taking back control of the narrative against the bullies, the ‘shamers’, the small minded ignoramuses that put people down to make them feel better.

Trolls, the lot of them.

Well watch out trolls!

Fat Adam’s and our extraordinary gelato are coming and we won’t stand for the abuse any more.

Sunday morning, batch making, saving optional!

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